Sunday, January 15, 2006

'We hate ManU . . . etc, etc (#1 of an irregular column)

As something of a lapsed Leeds fan (although will likely rediscover fanaticism on re-entering the premiership) hating Man Utd is par for the course. However, fickle football fans would do well observing the 'enemy'. And let me tell you why.

Are we sitting comfortably?
Good, then we'll begin . . .

Top flight football is, and probably has been for a while, much more than yer 90 minute kickabout. This was first noticed observing Alex Ferguson outpsyching young pretender of the day David O'Leary. From what is remembered from the time Ferguson flattered O'Leary, which wasn't too hard as Leeds were well on the up. Ferguson pulled a sucker punch by acknowledging that O'Leary could well be the manager to fill his boots when he retires. In short, meaning that Man Utd were the better team and O'Leary could aspire to greater things.
Maybe not that much to go on, but once these things get whipped around in the media and the fans all start the usual well-balanced gossip - 'are we gonna lose O'Leary?' etc, then the knife is in and doubts raised. Ferguson, you sly bastard!

O'Leary at Leeds could maybe have learnt more from Ferguson by not soft-soaping when things didn't go quite their way. Excuses and topflight football are a poor mix. (More about Leeds, later).

Next up on this Manchester arse lick is love him, hate him or both - Roy Keane. A couple of seasons or more ago (I'm no anorak on the stats) Rangers were up against the boys of ManU in the Champions league and Keane let it be known that once he'd done playing premiership football he would happily see himself out to retirement in The SPL. Priceless.
During the game when the damage had been done and Rangers effectively beaten, Ferguson rubbed salt into the wound by substituting the old stager for young scot and Celtic fan(?) Darren Fletcher.

Such things only last until the opposition catches on and Man Utd and Fergie have other contenders to deal with - the Spock-like Wenger and some bloke called Mourinho.

(TBC . . .)


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