Saturday, January 14, 2006

Fleece Vs Morley. 14/01/06

Horbury Fleece FC displayed their usual battling qualities in an 8-0 annihilation of lowly Morley.
10 minutes of hard work but fairly even football delivered The Fleece's opener, ably put away by Mark Morgan (can't quite recall how as was struggling with the camera (and still missed the shot).
Good for their lead but still facing an opposition determined to give it a go it was some 10 mins more before the 2nd.

Memories of the reserves seesaw game of the previous week where a similar 2-0 lead was let slip encouraged the small but vocal home support to urge the fellas on. It helped do the trick and come half time Fleece were 5-0 up and coasting.

Although scoring 3 more after the break the second half should have been more of a stroll in the park than it was. Maybe complacency had set in and Fleece eased up on the pressure instead of taking a more measured and disciplined approach and clinically finishing off the opposition. There were even some periods when the lads spent more time having a go at each other which with a comfortable lead was at least amusing for the support.
Better to have a fighting spirit than wimp out.

Although this period also allowed Morley to apply some pressure of their own and at least go out with some honour. Despite this never say die attitude any ball through on goal was adequately covered by keeper Dave Whittaker's safe hands and keen eye for the release and counter.

After this 20 minute 'awkward' period Fleece finally got back into gear and eased home; scoring twice in the final 10 minutes.
All in all a good game for the home side.

Afterwards, the referee candidly admitted that he could have done a better job butthen can't we all? At this level you don't get Pierluigi Collina and overall the ref, Sir, managed a flowing game with good and bad decisions being fairly evenly distributed. Perhaps the harshest decision was the sending off of a visitor with 2 minutes left to play; presumably for dissent. This at a time when all the damage was done, players and ref were tired and in a game with it's fair share of handbagging. And at £45 a go that's some smack in the mouth (I'd appeal).

Scorers (in no particular order) -

Mark Morgan
Carl Walker (3)
Ash McGhee (2)
Mark Lemm
Nicky Stevens.

Subs used -

Nicky Stevens
Paul Ingham
Shaun Kellett

Pictures to follow. (They aren't that good so don't get too excited.)


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